AWACAN-ED (African aWAreness of CANcer & Early Diagnosis) is an NIHR-funded Global Health Research Group focussing on Advancing Early Diagnosis of Cancer in Southern Africa.
By 2030, about 24 million people worldwide will develop cancer each year. Most cases will occur in low- and middle- income (LMIC) countries because people in these countries are living longer. While more people are getting cancer, services to diagnose and to treat cancer are often not widely available.
Our team includes researchers from South Africa and Zimbabwe working with a UK team at Queen Mary University of London. We aim to advance the early diagnosis of cancer in Southern Africa by developing and evaluating electronic tools (e-Tools) to improve care-seeking and reduce healthcare delays in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
In addition we aim to strengthen research capacity in Southern Africa through training programmes and mentorship. We will provide studentships to fund and support Masters and PhD students in South Africa and Zimbabwe and organise an annual AWACAN-ED Southern African School for Cancer Research.
Image(s) by TJ Maposhere