AWACAN-ED Scholars

University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa 

Denis Okova, PhD ScholarRead Denis’ blog about his research here

Household economic costs and Health-related Quality of Life outcomes for patients with cervical cancer at a tertiary hospital in Cape Town, South Africa

Supervisors: Prof J Moodley (UCT), Prof J Ataguba (UCT), Dr S Day (UCT), Dr B Guzha (UZ)


Kelechi Nnene, Masters Scholar 

Estimating the cost of treatment for Colorectal cancer at Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town

Supervisors: Dr L Cunnama (UCT), Prof J Moodley (UCT), Prof J Ataguba (UCT)


Dr Sudarshan Govender, Masters Scholar                                                                                                                          

Awareness of cervical cancer risk factors and symptoms amongst individuals recently diagnosed with cervical cancer in South Africa and Zimbabwe

Supervisors: Prof J Moodley (UCT),  Dr T Phillips (UCT), Prof F Walter (QMUL)


University of Zimbabwe (UZ), Zimbabwe

Dr Simbarashe Chinyowa, PhD Scholar Read Simbarashe’s blog about his research here

Emergency Presentation of Colorectal Cancer: Barriers and Missed Opportunities to earlier care

Supervisors: Prof G Muguti (UZ), Prof ZM Chirenje (UZ), Prof J Moodley (UCT)


Dr Grant Murewanhema, PhD Scholar

Exploring the late presentation of cervical cancer in the Zimbabwean context using a mixed methods approach

Supervisors: Prof ZM Chirenje (UZ), Prof J Moodley (UCT), Prof F Walter (QMUL), Prof S Scott (QMUL)


Dr Belinda Mutibura, Masters Scholar – Read Belinda’s’ blog about her research here

Exploring determinants of patient adherence to cervical pre-cancer treatment in Harare, Zimbabwe: A mixed methods study

Supervisors: Dr B Guzha (UZ), Prof ZM Chirenje (UZ)


Zvikomborero Satuku, Masters Scholar (enrolled on a Masters programme at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) in the UK)

Factors contributing to delayed diagnosis and late stage presentation of breast cancer among women in Zimbabwe (Provisional)

Supervisors: Dr B Guzha (UZ), Prof ZM Chirenje (UZ)


Tendai Gudza, Masters Scholar

Costing of cervical Cancer services in Zimbabwe – A cross sectional study

Supervisors: Prof J Ataguba (UCT), Dr G Shambira (UZ), Dr B Guzha (UZ), Prof ZM Chirenje (UZ)